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Our Vision, Values and Aims

Two students reading in the library

Our Vision

We will provide a safe, stimulating, enjoyable and creative environment where all students flourish and achieve their potential.

Our Values

Respect - We celebrate all individuals, organisations and cultures
Commitment to Excellence - We aspire to be the best we can be
Trust - We underpin all our relationships with trust


Our Aims

We will ensure that every student achieves their potential by:

  • Putting our learners at the heart of everything we do
  • Creating an enterprising culture in which students and staff will flourish
  • Providing a balanced and appropriate curriculum
  • Encouraging curiosity and enthusiasm and instilling a life-long love of learning
  • Promoting independence, confidence and resilience
  • Encouraging self-esteem and respect for others
  • Co-operating and collaborating
  • Ensuring our students are equipped to meet the challenges of the future 

"Students enjoy coming to school and value what the school offers them."



Welcome to Kesteven and Sleaford High School Selective Academy

A group of students walking out of the school's main reception

"I personally couldn’t be happier with the education my daughter is receiving."



Our aim is to educate every student of today to meet the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow. The highest standards are achieved here each year and it is a pleasure to see our students leave the High School as confident, well rounded young people with the world at their feet.

We pride ourselves on the impressive academic achievements and destinations of our students; the majority go on to study at university but we support and prepare students for various post-16 routes.

We are about far more than examination success however and strongly believe in fostering personal, pastoral and extra-curricular development. The High School is big enough to provide plenty of opportunities but small enough to ensure every student’s talents are noticed and nurtured.

We hope you will discover our ethos is friendly and welcoming. We aim to inspire the young people in our care and strike a careful balance between traditional values and modern attitudes to learning within a safe, stimulating and creative environment.

Picture of Headteacher Josephine Smith,

Josephine Smith

Our Curriculum

Key Stage 3

All students in Year 7 to 9 follow the National Curriculum with the pace and challenge you would expect to find in a selective school. There are lots of opportunities for students to stretch their knowledge and understanding in a supportive and creative atmosphere, whilst preparing them carefully for the rigours of Key Stage 4 study. We believe in the consolidation of excellent literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum, in all years.

Key Stage 4

We offer a broad, well balanced curriculum. All our students study the core subjects of English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science (double or triple award), French and/or German, History and/or Geography as well as Physical Education, Personal, Social & Health Education, and Religious Education. Students can then choose two further subjects from over fifteen G.C.S.E. choices.

We cater for students of all ages who have a special talent or educational need. Policies on Additional Needs, admission arrangements, behavioural expectations, charging and disability provision can be found here on our website.

Links to Ofsted reports and to student achievement and attainment data can be found on-line too, or are available on request from the school.

Listening to Our Students

Developing bright young minds means lots of active student involvement in the school. Our School Council represents students across year groups and regular meetings, chaired by our senior student team, enable students to influence many aspects of school life. Students are expected to play their part as a member of our school community and their views are valued on issues as diverse as staffing appointments, student wellbeing and charity fundraising.


"High quality relationships between students and with their teachers contribute strongly to learning."



Picture of a teacher helping a student in class

Two students working at a desk in class


Student Wellbeing

The High School is a welcoming and friendly place with lots of opportunities for students. We realise that transferring to a new school can be a daunting time and we work hard to ensure your child makes smooth transitions throughout their time with us, from primary school right through to university selection or chosen career.

As soon as you accept a place for your daughter at the school we start getting to know her. High School staff visit Year 6 pupils in their primary school to allay any fears and spread the excitement of our June familiarisation day. A team building Year 7 activity day is popular in September, as is the overnight camping trip in June.

Students are placed in tutor groups within their year group and are members of one of our 4 houses. Right from the start of Year 7, house events, celebrations and competitions encourage students to take part. The ‘Freshers’ Fayre’ provides a chance to sign up to clubs, have fun and enjoy being part of the school community. Guidance and support is at hand whenever it’s needed: from Tutors, Heads of Year and via the student ‘buddy’ system.

The mental health and wellbeing of students is of paramount importance to us. Our experienced team of teaching assistants and learning mentors are often praised by parents. They work closely with teaching staff and tutors to ensure that every child feels happy, safe and supported in school.

We hope you will visit and get a sense of the caring and welcoming atmosphere, in which students are genuinely keen to learn. 

The Sleaford Joint Sixth Form

Two sixth form students looking at a book in the library

As part of The Robert Carre Trust the High School is a member of The Sleaford Joint Sixth Form. This collaboration between all the secondary schools in Sleaford enables our sixth form students to access the widest school sixth form offer in Lincolnshire, over 70 A Level or Level 3 courses across the 3 school sites.

As well as a rich programme of extra-curricular activities, a range of additional academic and leadership opportunities are offered, helping our sixth form students prepare for bright futures.

The majority of our sixth formers choose to enter Higher Education. The school has notable success in helping students secure places at Oxford, Cambridge and other Russell Group Universities or on highly contested apprenticeship programmes.

Enriching Opportunities

Large group of students in costume in a school production

Three students playing netball

Students are eager participants in our wide range of extra-curricular opportunities: many lead to national accreditation whilst many are just for fun. Our clubs include Choirs and music ensembles, Drama, Computing, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver and Gold Award, Librarians, Public Speaking, Technology, STEM club, and lots of sporting clubs throughout the week. Young Journalists Team, Arts Award, Debating Club and Photography Club attract many students and extend work undertaken in class. The school puts on Drama productions every year and takes part in national Drama, Dance and Music festivals.

Learning outside the classroom is all part of the fun and our students can go skiing, practise new language skills during foreign trips, go on Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, take part in History experience days, excel in the Maths Challenge and go on field trips.

Other residential visits have included curricular trips to Europe and America as well as volunteering expeditions further afield through the Operation Wallacea and World Challenge charities.

School sports teams exist at all levels and a very competitive fixture list is followed against many of the best schools in Lincolnshire. Our teams and individuals have been successful at County, Regional and National level.

The range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities on offer is extensive, which students value and, consequently, there are high levels of participation.


Music Tuition

As well as timetabled music lessons, specialist instrumental teaching is available through the school. We employ peripatetic music teachers in nearly all instruments. Students have the chance to show off their musical and dramatic talents throughout the school year at concerts, performing arts evenings and drama performances, often alongside their peers at Carre’s Grammar School.

Careers Education and Work Experience

Our commitment to careers information, advice and guidance has earned the school the National Gold Careers Mark. We provide impartial careers education within Key Stage 3 and 4 through the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) programme and in Key Stage 5 via a Tutorial programme. The careers library is based within the main school library and is the place where we show students how to start planning exciting futures. Special parents’ evenings are held at critical points to prepare for the next steps. Work Experience is offered to all students in Year 12. 


Full details of our admissions criteria can be found here.

We welcome students from a wide geographical area which includes Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire. The main criteria being that students meet the required standard in the 11+ tests. Details are available from the school’s admissions team.

Students in protective equipment doing science experiments

"We are thrilled with our daughter’s progress: a fantastic school. We have already recommended it to other parents."
