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Parent Teacher Association

KSHS PTA is a lively mix of mums, dads and teachers who aim to raise funds to purchase additional items that enhance both the learning and environment of KSHS students, which cannot be purchased via the school budget. We also encourage close interaction between parents, pupils and teaching staff.

We fundraise via Gift Aid, the 100Club, plus organising or supporting events. Every two months we meet and decide how we are to distribute funds after receiving direct requests by staff and students.

Our PTA, now in its 65th year, is a registered charity, number 519897, as well as being a member of the PTA-UK, which is the national charity that advances education and supports PTAs throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

If you would like to donate, please also complete the Gift Aid form so we can maximise the impact of your contribution.

You can also apply to join the 100Club lottery by completing the application form, and returning this with payment to the school’s Finance Office.


  • Yearly we support the school by purchasing the Planners that come home with the girls each day to enhance their organisational skills and keep them up to date with their homework!
  • We have donated £2,000 towards new chairs that were required in the Main Hall to meet current fire regulations.
  • In the classrooms we have funded additional text books and other teaching aids such as CD-ROMs.
  • The Textile Department have benefited from new sewing machines.
  • The Music Department is now the proud owner of a stage curtain for productions.
  • The Gardening Club has been assisted in its purchase of plants and compost enabling the girls to brighten up the borders.
  • School trophies, award badges, water bottles and First Aid Kits have also been donated by the PTA.
  • 6th Form students welcomed the funding for 12 annual Gym Memberships, plus help in purchasing items to enhance their 6th Form Common Rooms.
  • Most recently the PTA was pleased to donate funding towards the new school minibus.

Contact Us

All parents and teachers/staff are welcome to any of the PTA meetings. If you can spare some time to help or would simply like to know more about us then we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch with us.

Minutes of Meetings
