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We understand that the pressures young people face in this modern world are bigger than ever before. We appreciate that it is unrealistic to think that their state of wellbeing will be high all the time. But we also know that young people who thrive at school (and in life generally) are those that are most able to identify when they are not feeling their best and have a range of strategies that help them feel better. Getting to grips with their wellbeing is a hugely valuable life skill, which will enable students to realise their potential both in and beyond school. Our Personal Development curriculum, delivered through tutor time, assemblies and in PSHE lessons helps equip students with the tools they need to support their own wellbeing and support their friends. This can range from ideas about self-care to learning about different ways we can all look after our own wellbeing.

In school, we talk about our 'Five Tiers of Wellbeing Support', this ensures that the right level of support is available at the right time for all our students. Some may never move past tier 1, but there is help available at every step.

Image showing an overview of the 5 tiers of support

Below is a list of places that students can consult for help or advice on how to manage their wellbeing. 

Help or Advice Inside School

  • Form Tutors
  • Head of Years who all have undertaken Youth Mental Health First Aid training
  • Via the Health & Wellbeing board outside the staffroom
  • Come and find a Mental Health First Aider, there are 11 staff who are specially trained to help in this area.  (Their names and photos are displayed on the board outside the Heads of Years' office) 
  • The Wellbeing Ambassadors (6th Formers) can be found in the Wellbeing Hub in the C block, they have an information  board near the Science corridor and they can be contacted over email at  
  •  Staff in 'The House' who all have undertaken Youth Mental Health First Aid training
  • 1:1 CASY counselling service
  • If in doubt contact the Head of Year in the first instance.

Help Outside School

Calm Meditation application
ChildLine Childline website
Happify iOS iOS Application to increase mood
Happify Android Android Application to increase mood
Headspace Headspace meditation application
Healthy Minds Emotional wellbeing Pathway
Kooth Online counselling
Email Mermaids Support for gender diverse and transgender
Samaritans Support for anyone who needs someone to talk to. Phone 09457 90 90 90 
Mind Shift iOS iOS application to help teens with anxiety
Mind Shift Android Android application to help teens with anxiety
Mood Juice Well-being books
National Self-Harm Network

Support for individuals who self harm as well as their family, carers and friends

NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Papyrus Prevention of young suicide
Young Minds Mental health support
Recovery Record iOS iOS application to help people recovering from an eating disorder
Recovery Record Android Android application to help people recovering from an eating disorder
Stem 4 Early awareness of mental health
Think U Know Website offering advice about digital/online abuse, including the reporting of abuse and how to contact social media providers about getting content removed from their platform
Winston’s Wish Supporting a bereaved child
We are with you Drug and alcohol support in North Lincolnshire

Can’t find anything that deals with your worry?

Lincolnshire County Council provides a list of all the support groups that are available locally. You can search the list to find relevant groups/support.
