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The Governors

Kesteven and Sleaford High School has been part of the Robert Carre Trust since September 2015. Each school in the Trust has a Local Governance Tier, comprising 5 Community Governors, 2 Parent Governors and 2 Staff Governors. Governors’ Terms of Office are usually 4 years. The LGTs are responsible for school-specific policies, such as Admissions, and report to the Trust Board with assurances on aspects of school management, such as

  • Safeguarding
  • Curriculum
  • SEND
  • Wellbeing
  • Health & Safety

You can find more details about the Trust’s Governance Structure on the Robert Carre Trust website.

Please address any queries to the Governance Professional - Debbie Scott

Members of the Local Governance Tier

Community Governors – Appointed by the Trustees
J Hoyes (Chair) September 2022 to August 2026
G McCormack November 2023 to November 2027
J Keane November 2024 to November 2028
T Smith February 2025 to February 2029
Parent Governors - Elected by Parents
C Cutler October 2024 to October 2028
Staff Governors – Elected by Staff
A Ellison November 2020 to November 2028
J Pankhurst December 2017 to August 2026
Governance Professional
Mrs D Scott, Governance Professional
Kesteven & Sleaford High School, Jermyn Street, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7RS


Governor Biographies

Picture of J Hoyes

J Hoyes
Community Governor

James is a police officer, having worked in both the Metropolitan Police Service and Lincolnshire Police. He has specialised in roles working with partners, in community safety and safeguarding partnerships. In the latter, he led the Lincolnshire Police Safeguarding Hub, working closely with statutory and non-statutory partners to prevent harm to children and vulnerable adults in the county. James now leads investigators for serious domestic abuse and other offences as a detective chief inspector. James is an Old Carrensian (2003-2010), who had the benefit of a majority of his sixth form education at KSHS, before reading Law and Criminology at the University of Sheffield. He joined the LGT as a Community Governor in September 2022 and was elected Chair in September 2023. Outside of work and volunteering, James' time is predominantly focussed on entertaining two little boys.

Picture of G McCormack

G McCormack
Community Governor

Georgia joined the LGT as Community Governor in November 2023.

Picture of J Keane J Keane
Community Governor

John is a Chartered Civil Engineer and Project Manager. Having worked in the engineering and construction industry for over 25 years in the UK and overseas, he is now working in the UK. He has two daughters at KSHS and a son at The King’s School. His career highlights include multiple high profile transportation projects, hydro power stations and infrastructure rehabilitation in post-conflict regions. John is most interested in developing the next generation for the challenges that life will throw at them.
Picture of T Smith

T Smith
Community Governor

Dr Tom Smith is the Academic Director at RAF College Cranwell, working to ensure the college meets rigorous standards set by bodies like OFSTED. With prior experience in UK and international universities, including selecting newly qualified teachers; and supporting teachers in training securing school placements. Dr Smith holds the position of Associate Professor in International Relations at the University of Portsmouth, focusing his research on human rights, terrorism, and Asian conflicts. Outside of work, he enjoys sports, captaining the Sleaford Tennis Club men’s team, and competing in squash and tennis across the county. His daughter joined KSHS in September 2023.

Picture of C Cutler

C Cutler
Parent Governor

I am a New Zealander by birth and moved to the UK when I was 34 years old.  Currently, my wife and I reside in Lincoln, with our 13 year old twins, who attend Carre's Grammar & KSHS respectively .  In the last 10 years I have requalified and established my own Financial Planning company.  Prior to this I worked as a professionally trained chef working onboard Superyachts. This role lasted for 14 years and involved extensive global travelling and being employed by some very demanding individuals.  When fortunate to get any spare time, I like to spend it with my family, watch the twins indulge in their pastimes and not surprisingly, I still enjoy cooking for family & friends.  I care about the importance of education in society and how it is delivered. For this reason, I have been drawn to this role and I look forward to working alongside the fellow Governors at KSHS. 

Picture of A Ellison

A Ellison
Staff Governor

Amy, hailing from South Yorkshire originally, joined KSHS in 2012 as a Newly Qualified Teacher and has worked as a Head of Year and Subject Leader of French at the school. Before completing teacher training, she worked in Italy teaching English as a foreign language and as a teaching assistant in the SEN department of a large and diverse secondary school in Sheffield. Amy is now a Teacher of French following the birth of her little girl and is adoring the whirlwind that comes with parenthood. A keen linguist and traveller, Amy also enjoys reading. 

Picture of J Pankhurst

J Pankhurst
Staff Governor

Julie is one of the KSHS Staff Governors. She is Subject Leader of Design and Technology at KSHS, specialist Food Teacher and also Head of Year looking after Year 8 this year. Julie has been teaching at the school for 15 years. She is married with 2 grown up children and has a passion for fitness and exercise.

Picture of SD Scott D Scott
Governance Professional

Governor Resignations

L Rooke Resigned - September 2015 to November 2020
D Roberts Resigned - February 2020 to November 2021
S Oakden Resigned – September 2015 to March 2022
S Ray Resigned – September 2022 to March 2023
A Barker Resigned – September 2022 to May 2023
C Nel Resigned - January 2020 to June 2023
C Johnson Converted to Community Governor - September 2022 to August 2023
N Gibbons Resigned - September 2015 to August 2023
K Musgrove Resigned - September 2023 to December 2023
J Lawson Converted to Community Governor - September 2023 to March 2024
J Lawson Resigned - March 2024 to October 2024
J Robinson Resigned - January 2020 to December 2024
T Smith Converted to Community Governor - September 2023 to February 2025
C Johnson Resigned - September 2023 to February 2025

Local Governor Vacancies

You might never have thought about being a school governor, but it can be rewarding voluntary work and the Robert Carre Trust and its schools are keen to have members of the local community to act as a link between the school and the community, ensuring that the school's vision and goals align with the needs and expectations of the community. Governors on our Local Governance Tier (LGT) work with the Headteacher and senior leadership team to develop the school's vision and long-term goals. They provide strategic oversight to ensure the school remains focused on its core mission and objectives and support and challenge the Headteacher and senior leaders to ensure they have the resources and support needed to lead the school effectively. They monitor and evaluate the school's performance, including academic results, and are involved in setting policies and making decisions about staffing to support the school's educational goals.

Being a school governor is a commitment, but it's also a rewarding way to contribute to the education and development of children in your community. If you would like any further information, please contact Debbie Scott, Governance Professional, or contact James Hoyes, the Chair of the KSHS Local Governance Tier.

Financial Arrangements

As part of the Robert Carre Trust, the school’s financial arrangements are the responsibility of the Trust. Full details of the Trust’s accounting arrangements, annual reports, etc., can be found on the Robert Carre Trust Website.
