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German Learning Journey. There is an accessible version of the information in this image available as a download at the bottom of this page

Curriculum Intent

The MFL department at Kesteven and Sleaford High School aspires to enable all learners to be enthusiastic and curious about the wider world and its languages. As a school in rural Lincolnshire our students may not have wider opportunities to engage with those of other cultures and appreciate their value in modern society. We intend for students to learn about customs and traditions in French and German speaking countries and to understand a key British Value that difference is not something to be apprehensive of but rather appreciated.

The curriculum aims to give all learners the vocabulary and grammatical knowledge to communicate in the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking on topics that are within their own areas of experience and sometimes beyond. Our aim is to continually increase students’ confidence in using their languages in realistic situations, something which is enhanced by contact with our foreign language assistants and trips abroad. The curriculum challenges all learners and is accessible to all abilities up to and beyond the Sixth Form.

Extra-curricular opportunities are also integral to the students’ experience of the MFL curriculum. Resilience, independence of thought and open-mindedness are key life skills that the MFL curriculum intends to build. The aim is to be enjoyable, challenging and to encourage students to ‘dig deep’ within their own resolve to succeed.

Key Documents 

Click the link below for a detailed overview of the core knowledge and skills covered in German:

German Knowledge Sequencing

In Years 7-9 work is assessed against Learning Pathways. Click the link below for the Learning Pathway descriptors against which work is judged: