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Growth Mindset

Staff are invited to nominate students who have demonstrated a Growth Mindset in the past few weeks. This might have been in lessons, in clubs, tutor time or simply around school. Please note we already award bi-annual subject badges and merits for good academic work, effort and improvement. These Growth Mindset nominations recognise those who show resilience (academic or otherwise); who aren’t afraid to get things wrong and learn from it; those who have a go, take themselves out of their comfort zone or show that even if a task is tough, they will persevere.

Student Form Teacher Subject 
Imogen Bird  7KLM Ms A Natley English
Isla Coupland  7KLM Ms A Natley English
Evie Havenhand  7MAP Mrs K Mahfouz Mathematics
Nina Lynch  7MAP Miss J Nutt Pastoral
Sofia Guild  7NP Mrs J Stacey Physical Education
Charlotte Baxter  8A Miss J Nutt Ethics & Philosophy
Erin Markham  8F Ms M Johnson Art
Winter Evans  8F Mrs K Mahfouz Mathematics
Scarlett Randall  8L Mr S Mulligan ICT
Amy Williams  8W Ms H Renard Mathematics
Ellie Taylor  8W Mr S Mulligan ICT
Nifemi Familola  9AH Mr J Cassidy English
Izzy Roche  9FJ Mrs B Fleming Technology
Sophie Pepper  9FJ Mrs S Livingstone Geography
Mayla Brown  9HB Mrs J Stacey Physical Education
Sophia Barry  9HB Mr J Cassidy English
Xiaochu Chen  9HB Mrs B Fleming Technology
Robyn Blackbourn  10A Mrs K Fairhead Science
Robyn Blackbourn  10A Mrs K Cowell English
Chloe Henson  10F Mr N Periam Chemistry
Millie Dickinson  10F Mr R Stone Physics
Pheobe Elkington  10F Mr N Periam Chemistry
Missy Gleed  10L Mr R Stone Physics
Martha Turner  10W Ms H Renard Mathematics
Sophia Slater  10W Mrs K Fairhead Science
Alice Cook  11A Mrs L Martin Biology
Charlotte Briggs  11A Mrs E Taylor Business Studies
Emma Arthur  11A Mr L Rooke German
Liv Cameron  11A Mrs E Taylor Business Studies
Charlotte Holford  11F Mrs L Samworth German
Issy Edwards  11F Mr S Norris Physics
Leah Dixon  11F Mrs K Mahfouz Mathematics
Lily Samuell  11F Mrs A Ellison French
Lizzy Frankish  11F Mrs L Samworth German
Malak Amer  11F Mrs K Cowell English
Julia Nowak  11L Mr L Rooke German
Tilly Mcilwaine  11L Mrs L Martin Biology
Ava Grace Prescott  11W Mr S Norris Physics
Gale Harrison  13A Mrs H Brooks Psychology
Severija Magnus  13A Mrs H Brooks Psychology