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Curriculum Intent

At KSHS, the Music Department delivers weekly lessons to all KS3 students and five hours a fortnight to our GCSE students. We aim to deliver a broad and engaging curriculum that inspires our young people to want to explore Music; we aim to develop students' curiosity for the subject through the enjoyment of their lessons.  

Activities are challenging yet accessible to all and we encourage students of all abilities to engage in the subject and grow their knowledge of Music. Our objective is to expose students to a variety of different genres, acknowledging the importance of respect for differing views about Music. 

Careful consideration has been given to the curriculum to ensure that knowledge can be developed across the key stages in a manner that is as practical as possible, ensuring students truly ‘experience' the Music styles they are learning about. 

Our young people are supported in the classroom to develop their own musicality and to share skills with others through a variety of performance opportunities both within the classroom and outside. We utilise technology to enable students to create and manipulate music, which helps them to build knowledge of another aspect of the subject.  

Performance and composition skills are complemented with the focus of appraising music, we encourage students to make effective use of the musical language they establish during the study of varied styles and traditions.  

To further enhance our curriculum study, we offer our young people many platforms to perform as part of our extra-curricular offer; groups are strategically created to ensure skill sets are catered for and these groups evolve as students develop their talent.  

It is our intention that students will gain knowledge and understanding of Music; students join KSHS with varying abilities and experiences and we want them to leave having a life-long love for this art form.

Key Documents 

Click the link below for a detailed overview of the core knowledge and skills covered in Music:

Music Knowledge Sequencing

In Years 7-9 work is assessed against Learning Pathways. Click the link below for the Learning Pathway descriptors against which work is judged:

Music KS3 Grade Descriptors

The Music Development Plan is designed to give clarity on musical opportunities in and outside of school.

Music Development Plan