Each year, we aim to offer our students varied assembly topics delivered by a range of hosts, from teachers and support staff to dynamic sixth form teams and expert external speakers.
This year we have been excited to launch our KSHS House Assembly programme, which invites house and form groups in Year 7 to Year 10 to work together and present creative, informative presentations to the rest of their year group. These groups prepare over a series of form time planning sessions and are supported by their sixth form House Captains. In our final year celebration assembly, our Head of Houses, Mr Rooke, will announce prizes for the best assemblies seen in each year group. In addition to the assembly presentations, each group must provide a corresponding activity for their year group to complete during a Personal Development form time, giving everyone in the cohort the chance to contribute to the effort.
Recently, Year 7-Year 10 members of Aveland, Flaxwell and 7MAP have taken on the challenge of presenting assemblies on the first two of our KSHS School Values, ‘Respect’ and ‘Commitment’. Next term, Loveden students and 7NP will tell us about ‘Trust’ while Term 5 sees Winnibrigg and 7KLM deliver on the particularly important theme of ‘Resilience’. 7LMA and 7HK will finish the year, with the latter looking at 'Creativity’.
In establishing this programme, we hope to encourage pupils to develop their teamwork and oracy skills as well as their confidence – it is quite a feat to stand in front of their peers and present for up to ten minutes! Well done to all of our successful presenters and resource-creators so far.
Ms Natley