Hannah Broughton, an ex-student who attended KSHS between 1997-2004 and now Entrepreneur and Charity founder from Rossendale, has received an MBE in the Kings New Year Honours list, for services to Children and Young People and their families.
Hannah, 38, has been recognised for her role in co-founding three Children's organisations. Back in 2015 while on maternity leave, she created Twinkleboost, now a registered Charity, to provide free Speech and Language Support to children and families from lower resourced communities in Manchester.
She then co-founded the Social Enterprise, The Therapeutic Forest, which provides Therapist-led Forest School Sessions to individuals with disabilities and Climbing Calm, a non-profit delivering therapeutic rock climbing sessions to autistic children.
Through a growing network of franchisees and licensees, these projects now support more than 15,000 individuals each year.
A parent of children who has attended the sessions say they are “something that feels like a miracle”.
Reflecting on the award, Hannah said: “I am incredibly honoured to receive an MBE.
I have always set out to create services that make therapeutic support something children can't wait to attend. Where we accept and celebrate each individual exactly as they are, and let everything else flow from there.
This award is a testament to the hard work of everyone who has been involved in Twinkleboost, The Therapeutic Forest and Climbing Calm over the past ten years”
Website links:
Twinkleboost Climbing Calm CIC The Therapeutic Forest