I’d like to share with you some updates about the House System at KSHS this week.
A revised rewards system is being imbedded in the school and we want to join up the rewards and the House System to ensure students see the benefit of their hard work every day. Every merit that a student achieves will become a House point. These will be added to the points achieved in the weekly quiz completed during tutor time, the points from participation in smaller competitions and the points from sports day at the end of the year. The House Cup will be awarded to the house with the most combined points.
If you come into school at any point, you should be able to see from the collection box at reception which house has the most points; we will start to fill this with tokens after Christmas. I will also publish the quiz results each half-term so you can see which house is winning in that aspect of school life. Additionally, any other competition winners will be shared with you in future newsletters.
The quiz results for Term 1 are:
Year 7 winners = Aveland 727
Year 8 winners = Winnibrigg 423
Year 9 winners = Flaxwell 906
Year 10 winners = Flaxwell 667
Year 11 winners = Winnibrigg 815
Year 12 winners = Flaxwell 704
Year 13 winners = Aveland 468
Overall winners = Aveland 4044
Mr L Rooke
Did you know?
Aveland, Flaxwell, Lovedon and Winnibrigg are the names of 4 Wapentakes from the Middle Ages in North Kesteven.
(A WAPENTAKE is an administrative subdivision of a county or area. The word derived from an assembly or meeting place, usually at a cross-roads or near a river, where literally one's presence or a vote was taken by a show of weapons)