At KSHS we believe that rewarding students for exceeding our expectations makes them feel valued, builds confidence and motivates them to achieve. In partnership with our Student Council, we have listened to feedback from students and amended our rewards system for the 2023-24 Academic year. KSHS students requested a system with opportunities to earn meaningful, tangible rewards.
Students are able to earn merits in Year 7 to 11 across 3 broad categories: Excellent Attitude to Learning, Excellent Attainment, and Services to the Community. Merits are totalled each week for the chance to win the inter-form trophy, and a reward each term of the winning form's choosing. Individually, student merits contribute towards our Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Awards.
Students in Years 8-10 also have the opportunity to work towards a Junior, Intermediate or Senior challenge award. The aim of these awards it to challenge students to embrace the opportunities available across the school, and to extend their cultural capital, as well as develop skills that will prepare them for the next steps in their lives. More details can be found on the school website.
In this first week, students have been awarded nearly 2000 merits from staff across the school. It is fantastic that KSHS students continue to excel both in and out of lessons. Don't forget that students will also be awarded 3 merits for a week's full attendance!
Miss K Ferns
Assistant Headteacher - Teaching and Learning