The PTA continue to support school projects and we are in the process of purchasing waterproof picnic blankets for students to sit on outside. We have recently donated money to the school gardening club, the Drama department and have purchased 10 new keyboards for the Music Department.
We are busy planning several future events for which your support would be greatly appreciated.
A Virtual Duck Race will be taking place in the summer term, concluding on Tuesday18 July, which is the school sports day, this is something for the whole family to take part in – compete against your friends and family to win prizes. First prize £50 Amazon voucher with several runners-up prizes to be won.
In the next school year on Thursday 12 October we are hosting a Lincs Fashion event. Women’s clothing from many high street retail brands are available to buy at discount prices. Tickets need to be bought before the event so look out for information at the beginning of the school year.
2023 Leavers please think about donating clean items of school uniform to our Pre-loved uniform online shop, which are in good condition – these can be left in the collection basket in M2.
Our PTA uniform shop remains open throughout the school year. We have lots of fantastic pre-loved and new items in stock to help with those inevitable last minute uniform needs. Many thanks to all those who have supported our online shop so far, either through buying uniform or donating quality pre-loved items via school. All the money raised goes towards PTA funds, which in turn are used to support our students in a variety of different ways.
Browse our shop here:
We would like to do more but need help from parents/carers and staff in order to do so. We desperately need new members to join our committee, it only involves one meeting each term and helping with school events when needed.
Please consider joining us and help to make the school a better place for all our students.
Our next meeting is on Monday 10 July at 7pm in the school conference room – please come and join us.
Future dates – AGM 2023: 25 September; 20 November 20; 2024: 15 January; 26 February; 29 April; 10 June.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs B Fleming
PTA Chair